At Templeton all the questions are on the table, especially the permanent human questions: What is a good life? Why is there suffering? What is justice? What is a flourishing society? Does beauty matter? What is knowledge? How do I love my neighbor? And who is God? But we don’t ask these questions in a vacuum; rather we ask them in a community shaped by the spiritual and intellectual practices of the historic Christian faith, which grounds our common life together. See our Great Questions and Great Books Curriculum here!
“Templeton taught me how to think critically and how to interrogate beliefs and assumptions in the world today. Since the Templeton curricula were often so philosophically-based, it taught me how to engage with the field of science on a philosophical level and not just engage with science from a within-the-field approach.”
“Alex Haley: If you were marooned on the proverbial desert island, and could have with you only one book—apart from the Bible—what would it be?
Martin Luther King, jr: That’s tough. Let me think about it... Well, I think I would have to pick Plato’s Republic. I feel that it brings together more of the insights of history than any other book. There is not a creative idea extant that is not discussed, in some way, in this work. Whatever realm of theology or philosophy is one’s interest—and I am deeply interested in both—somewhere along the way, in this book, you will find the matter explored.”
Martin Luther King, jr: That’s tough. Let me think about it... Well, I think I would have to pick Plato’s Republic. I feel that it brings together more of the insights of history than any other book. There is not a creative idea extant that is not discussed, in some way, in this work. Whatever realm of theology or philosophy is one’s interest—and I am deeply interested in both—somewhere along the way, in this book, you will find the matter explored.”