Donations support students in great financial need who struggle to cover tuition semester to semester. Make a gift to the St. Davids Scholarship Fund.
Your generosity to this essential fund sustains and develops Templeton in the ways that will benefit our students most. Thank you for your partnership. Make a gift to the Dean's Fund.
Your gift enables us to offer scholarships to the Master of Arts in Teaching program, enabling MAT students to become master learners and master teachers so that in turn they can help their students practice wonder, ask meaningful questions, cultivate intellectual and moral virtue, and pursue a flourishing life in whatever place and vocation lay before them. Make a gift towards the Master of Arts in Teaching.
Your gift enables us to offer scholarships to the Summer Scholars Program, enabling high school students to briefly inhabit and be changed by a Christian liberal arts education at its best, for college credit. Make a gift towards the Summer Scholars Program.
Supported mostly by small recurring gifts from fellow students, this diaconal fund relieves some of the unexpected financial needs that come up for our students every year. Make a gift to the Templeton Student Aid Fund.
Contact the Templeton Honors College Office:
Email: thc@eastern.edu
Phone: 610-225-5022