Classical in goals and methods

Through Socratic seminars and the Great Books of Western Civilization, students explore questions of philosophy, history, and pedagogy with the aim of forming teachers who are not just knowledgeable about their discipline and skilled practitioners, but virtuous men and women who love to learn.

Designed for working teachers, the majority of MAT courses take place during 5-week summer residencies in St. Davids, PA. Other courses are taught online.

Summer Classes 2024

Session 1: June 10-25th

Class Instructor Modality Time Register by
Classical Pedagogy I Dr. Fred Putnam In-person 9-12 PM May 13th
Classical Pedagogy II Dr. Brian Williams In-person 9-12 PM May 13th
Difference and Human Dignity Dr. Amy Richards In-person 2-5 PM May 13th

Session 2: June 27th-July 12th

Class Instructor Modality Time Register by
Classical Education and the Black Intellectual Tradition Dr. Angel Adams Parham In-person 9-12 PM May 13th
Reading and the Soul Prof. Nathan Antiel In-person 9-12 PM May 13th
Great Conversation I: The True Dr. Burke Rea In-person 2-5 PM May 13th

Online Offerings

Class Instructor Modality Register by
The Art of Poetry Dr. Kathryn Smith Online / Self-paced May 13th
Teaching the Bible Classically Dr. Fred Putnam Online / Self-paced May 13th
“The MAT program has kept the idealist in me alive. Every educator feels trapped by some great issue in the American educational system today. The MAT program has helped me carefully examine the history of these issues and their philosophical underpinnings. With the Great Tradition as our guide, we teachers are able to come together to read great works that reinvigorate our tired imaginations. I am more hopeful teacher because of the rich conversations I have had with my classmates and professors.”

Frank Chilbert, Mainline Classical Academy - Bryn Mawr, PA