Dr. Steven Boyer is currently Professor of Theological Studies at Eastern University, where he has taught for nineteen years. His major areas of interest are philosophical and systematic theology, especially the orthodox doctrine of God and its implications for religious epistemology. His work embraces an orthodox, evangelical variety of ecumenism and is deeply shaped by the thought of C. S. Lewis (his doctoral dissertation was on Lewis’s understanding of hierarchical authority). He recently published the award-winning book, The Mystery of God: Theology for Knowing the Unknowable (Baker, 2012), co-authored with former Templeton dean, Dr. Christopher Hall.
Dr. Boyer became a Christian in 1980 while in college, largely as a result of reading the New Testament for the first time and becoming convinced that the biblical way of “seeing the world” offered a deep, balanced, and comprehensive explanation for his moral, rational, and relational experience.
In 1986, he was married to his lovely wife, Heidi, with whom he now has four children.
- Ph.D., Boston University: Religious Studies
- M.A.T.S., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary: Theological Studies
- B.A., University of South Carolina: Religious Studies
HON 240 Introduction to Christian Theology (3 credits)
This course aims to introduce students to the Christian tradition of theological reflection on Christian faith and life, addressing topically the historical formation of basic Christian doctrine concerning Scripture, the Trinity, creation and providence, Christology, grace, salvation, the Church, sacraments and Last Things. (GE indicator addressed: Formed in Christian Thought)
Books & Chapters
- The Mystery of God: Theology for Knowing the Unknowable
- “A Kneeling and a Sceptred Love” – C.S. Lewis: Views from Wake Forest
Articles & Essays
- “Why Mystery is Valuable” – Baker Academic Blog
- “Narnia Invaded” – Touchstone Magazine
- “The Logic of Mystery” – Religious Studies 43, No. 1
- “Christian Scripture and Transcendent Unity” – Sacred Web, Vol. 10
- “Articulating Order: Trinitarian Discourse in an Egalitarian Age” – Pro Ecclesia, Vol. XVIII, No. 3