Service of Lessons and Carols

L&C smallPlease join us as Templeton's staff, faculty, and newest cohort lead us through a service of Lessons and Carols: Friday, December 8th starting at 3pm in St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Radnor, PA.

Lesson and Carols is a celebratory service that dates to the late 19th century. The Christmas story is told through a series of Lessons drawn directly from Scripture while Christmas Carols are woven throughout, adding a depth of emotion to the already potent narrative.

Templeton's staff and faculty will lead us in the Lessons portion, while this year's cohort will guide us in the singing of Carols as they are directed by the inestimable Reverend Perry Brisbon. This service is the denouement of Templeton's Fall Chorale class, which is conducted by Rev. Brisbon. You won't want to miss this!

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