Summer Scholars Preview Night: April 11

Rising high school juniors and seniors, their parents, teachers, and guidance counselors are invited to our Summer Scholars Preview Night!

THC crest and the words "Summer Scholars Preview Night"

Attendees will enjoy: 

  • - Complimentary Dinner with SSP faculty and teaching assistants
  • - A roundtable discussion on C.S. Lewis, led by Drs. Steven Boyer and Matt Moser
  • - A lecture from Dr. Allen Guelzo, renowned American historian and founding dean of the Templeton Honors College

This is a great opportunity to learn more about this year's course offerings and ask questions about Summer Scholars. If you're curious about applying or attending, or just want to get excited for this summer, we would love to see you there!


Friday, April 11

5:00-8:00 pm

Eastern University, St. Davids Campus

RSVP here by Tuesday, April 8

For more information, contact Ellen Francis Clune at (610) 225-5618 or