Giovany Toussaint ('22)
Major: Psychology / Business Administration
Current Job: French Teaching Assistant / Resident Assistant
What have you enjoyed about being a student at Templeton Honors College?
As a student, I have enjoyed being part of the Templeton community. I have formed sincere bonds with many fellow students from my cohort at Templeton Honors College. And, I feel valued as an individual because of the friendships that I have made. I also appreciate the professors' willingness to getting to know me on a personal level. Whether it is my fellow students or professors, I know that I can count on them when I am in need.
What has been excellent about Templeton?
The curriculum has been excellent in that it is rigorous, and it challenges me to think deeply about the world and life. Specifically, courses such as The Good Life encourages me to ask important questions about how I should live my life as an individual as well as a Christian.
How do you think Templeton is helping to prepare you for your chosen career path?
I think that Templeton is helping me to prepare for my career path by motivating me to think for myself. Through reading the great books and by having thought-provoking conversations, I have come to realize who I want to be as well as how I can contribute to the betterment of my community.
How is Templeton helping to shape you personally or spiritually?
Templeton is helping shape me personally in that I am more intentional about the way I live my life. Particularly, the honors college has not only helped me discern who I want to be, but it also moves me to be who I am and be that well. My education at Templeton not only challenges me to ask questions about the good and the bad in the world but it also urges me to self-reflect. As a result, in my spiritual life, I have grown closer to God as a Christian.
What did you enjoy about the Summer Scholars Program?
As a summer scholar, I enjoyed how the courses pushed me to ask questions about God and my faith. In a world where most people expected me to conform to mainstream ideas, it felt good that I was encouraged to use my judgment to think independently.